Talk:New board diagrams

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Revision as of 17:14, 17 August 2024 by Hexanna (Talk | contribs)

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Is there any way that one can easily add diagrams that are not full rhombus hex boards? I want to expand the article on templates with pictures of things like the Ziggurat:


But that is just a png picture and not something created with the hex tag. Do I have to create my own png's or is there a slicker way to show non-rhombus areas of a board?


I miss something like the arrrows in [1]. When a template has multiple pieces on the most distant row, one needs to mark which piece is the connected one. See Edge_template_III2f, where I solved this with using the number 1, but that's a bit confusing.


Is there a way to create boards with small hexes, so that a single 19x19 board doesn't take up most of the screen? Right now, I am using a lot of HexWorld links because they take up less space. Hexanna (talk) 17:14, 17 August 2024 (UTC)