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The bottleneck is a strategic formation in the game of Hex where one player blocks the opponent's progress by occupying key positions on the board, creating a narrow passage that is difficult for the opponent to break through. The board fragment shown below illustrates this concept, with Blue occupying the key positions in a bottleneck formation, hindering Red's ability to connect to the bottom of the board.

This formation often leads to a ladder, with Red getting ladders in both directions, as shown in the second board fragment.


The bottleneck is often a result of a defensive maneuver, for example when a player plays a near block followed by an adjacent block. It is also a common strategy for leaving a Bridge ladder.

It's important to note that, although the bottleneck can be an effective defense strategy, it also has its own weaknesses and can be exploited by a skilled opponent. Knowing how to both create and counter bottleneck formations is an important aspect of mastering the game of Hex.

See also